Many thanks goes out to:
Michael Deyholos, Mike Harrington, John Locke and Mark Wolansky – (U of A) – for their gargantuan efforts in putting together the original material from which this Open textbook is derived;
Thompson Rivers University for providing an Open Educational Resource Development Grant (OERDG) to support the modification and adaptation of this textbook for students enrolled in BIOL 2340/2341 (Introduction to Genetics) at TRU;
Brenda Smith (TRU) and Christine Miller (TRU) for championing the OER movement at TRU, and Danielle Collins (TRU) for unwavering expert editing and overall support and advice.
Finally, I wish to acknowledge and thank my student, Isabella Alas, for contributing the wonderful graphic summary sheets at the end of each Chapter, which will undoubtedly help many students to study, assimilate and recall the information I teach. Funding for Isabella was provided by the TRU Open Press in 2024.